For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a disability, there are multiple obstacles when…

Child Safe Statement of Commitment
Growing Potential Ltd is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation that puts child safety and wellbeing at the centre of its culture.
We have zero tolerance of child abuse and are committed to actively contributing to a child safe community where children are protected from abuse.
We are committed to being an organisation that recognises, respects and promotes children’s rights. We are committed to ensuring children feel safe, empowered and are taken seriously if they raise concerns in relation to their safety and well-being.
Our commitment will be enacted through the implementation and ongoing monitoring of the Child Safe Standards. We are aware of our duty of care and responsibilities to children and always acting in the best interests of children.
We value and support diversity, inclusion and equality. In acknowledgment of the vulnerabilities of these groups of children we particularly support:
- the cultural safety of Indigenous Australian children, and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- the participation and empowerment of children with a disability, Indigenous Australian children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and children who identify with the LGBTIQ community.
We encourage the community to speak up when they are concerned about or suspect child abuse in any of our workplaces and we are committed to responding to and reporting suspected child abuse.
Our Child Safe Statement of Commitment applies to all employees, volunteers, work experience students, contractors, contract employees and the Board of Directors.
Otto Henfling
Chief Executive Officer
Growing Potential Ltd
t/a Windaan